
Receding Gums Surgery: What To Expect?

We can have potential dental problems if we do not adequately care for our teeth, such as receding gums. Receding gums surgery is available to address this issue. We can discuss here the causes and how to cure receding gums. But first, let us know what receding gums are.


What happens with receding gums?

sample photo of gum recessionReceding gum is a condition wherein the gum tissues surrounding the teeth wear off or pull back. In effect, it exposes the tooth or the tooth’s root more. In this case, gaps can form wherein bacteria can quickly build up.

Severe issues can occur, such as damaged supporting tissues and bones or tooth loss, if you neglect this condition. However, what are the possible causes of why gum recession happens?


Causes of gum recession

Several factors can put you at risk of developing receding gums. These include the following.

  1. Periodontal disease: Bacteria causes this gum disease. As a result, it destroys the gum tissues and the supporting bone that is holding the teeth. It happens to be the main reason why an individual can have receding gums.
  2. Genetics: Some individuals are more prone to having gum disease. No matter how they properly care for their teeth, they are still easily affected by gum disease.
  3. Way of tooth brushing: Aggressive brushing of teeth can cause the gums to recede and tears the enamel in your teeth. In this case, it would be best to do the proper way of brushing.
  4. Lacking or inadequate dental care: On the condition that you do your brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash inadequately, the plaque build-up can immediately turn into calculus or tartar. For that reason, you have to undergo professional cleaning to remove it from your teeth. If you neglect this, it will end up with receding gums.
  5. Hormonal changes: Mostly for women, fluctuations of hormone levels are expected. It can happen during the puberty stage, pregnancy or menopausal period. In effect, gums become more sensitive and prone to gum recession. Consult your GP about this.
  6. Teeth grinding: The force and pressure from this condition will end up having a gum recession.

There can be more potential causes of gum recession. Since a few individuals are still at risk regardless of how well they took care of their teeth, it would be better to see a dentist.


Treatment for gum recession

The dentist will only conduct deep cleaning to the affected area for individuals with mild gum recession. They also refer to deep cleaning as tooth scaling and root planing.

In this process, they will carefully remove the plaque and tartar built in your teeth. Additionally, they will smooth down the exposed root area. As a result, bacteria will have difficulty to build up in those areas.

On the other hand, surgical procedures are also available to treat gum recession. It can be an open flap scaling and root planing, regeneration, or possibly gum grafting.

Your dentist will know which one is best for you. Let us differentiate each of them for further information.


Receding gums surgery

The following surgical procedures are available to address the gum recession of an individual.

  1. Open flap scaling and root planing: It is the procedure wherein the dentist folds back the affected gums. Additionally, they remove the harmful bacteria inside the pockets and secure the gum tissue to cover the tooth roots.
  2. Regeneration: This a procedure to revive the lost bone and tissue. The dentist will apply a regenerative material, which will help in the natural restoration of the lost bone and tissue.
  3. Gum grafting: Due to tooth roots exposure, an individual can be more at risk of having tooth decay. In this case, the dentist usually recommends a gum grafting procedure. Gum grafting is a procedure that uses gum tissue graft or gingival graft. The gum grafting procedure rarely causes complications and infections are uncommon.


What can you expect from these gum recession surgeries?

Whichever you choose from open flap scaling and root planing, regeneration or gum grafting, it will work depending on how dentists perform them.

Any of them can come out successfully or might have potential complications. In this case, you should immediately return to your surgeon to work it out.

Just like any procedure, there will be a recovery period. During this time, you should follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions to prevent complications. By doing this, you can quickly return to your usual activities.


How to prevent gum recession

Doing proper oral hygiene is still the best preventive measure to avoid having gum recession. Aside from that, it is not only gum recession that you can prevent but also other potential oral health issues.

As per the team of Dental Spot, located in Croydon patients can do the following to avoid gum recession.

  1. Brush your teeth gently. Avoid brushing your teeth aggressively. It would be better to use a soft-bristled toothbrush in addition to a gentle way of brushing. There are toothbrushing strokes that you can follow. This way, you can avoid gum recession and tear of your teeth’ enamel.
  2. If you are a smoker, you better quit smoking now. Nicotine is a content that will bring no good to your gums. It is a source of plaque residues that will be difficult to remove and need immediate removal. It will lead to gum recession if not eliminated right away.
  3. Have a balanced diet. Eat healthy foods only to secure good dental health and your overall health as well.
  4. a lady with teeth grinding conditionIf you have a teeth-grinding condition, it would be better to seek help from your dentist about it. Gum recession can also occur due to the pressure and force that grinding puts in the teeth.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly. It is the best way to monitor your dental condition properly. Aside from that, your dentist can apply immediate countermeasures the moment they saw potential dental risks. In effect, it will no longer progress to something severe.


Food for thoughts

Dental health is an essential consideration for having good overall health. If we neglect our dental health, we allow health issues to interfere with us as well. For this reason, we must not take our dental health as a lesser priority.

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